Ihechi Festus

Front end developer

Front End Web Developer with very good research skills.

Ihechi Festus


Front End Web Developer constantly seeking to better his skills as well as leverage them to create great products with good user experience.

Comfortable with tools such as Figma and Notion.

Graduate Student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I am also a Machine Learning Enthusiast. My hobbies would include Reading/Writing, Making Researches over topics that interest me and Playing video games.

An Active team player

Download My Resume
About illustration

What I do

Front End Web development

Implementing custom designs from static websites to fully fledged web-apps.

Content Writing, Research and Blockchain

Carefully researches topics to enable me write quality content that is as good as engaging. I also tend to make researches on things relating to Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

Machine Learning

In my free time, I learn/build Machine Learning Models for fun.


  • Front-end

    HTML, CSS(SASS), JS/TypeScript

  • Front End Frameworks

    Angular, React/Redux, Tailwindcss, Bootstrap, MaterialUI

  • Machine Learning

    Python, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn, PyQt

  • Testing

    Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Cucumber

  • Others

    Bash/Linux, Git and GitHub, Test Driven Development, Kanban, Firebase

  • Currently Learning

    Data Structures and Algorithms, UI/UX Design, Agile Methodologies

  • *Other skills are included in my Resume

Skills illustration


*click on any of the projects to view more details

Yivera - Music distribution platform

Yivera - Music distribution platform

JavaScript - React, CSS - Bootstrap, Redux, Flutterwave, Postman API

Took part in the front end build of the website for GotRight Technologies, a music distribution company. I was largely responsible for implementing the website's functionalities, these include account registration, login, and recovery, music release, artist and label management, admin functionalities, and other features in between.

Syftset Technologies Website

Syftset Technologies Website

Javascript, React, Redux, Socket.io, Firebase, MaterialUI, SCSS, Python, Flask, Flask-SocketIO, PostgreSQL, Google Analytics, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Web Content Writing

A cryptocurrency price predictions platform that I am currently building. While most of the website's features can only be accessed by logging in with a real account, you can still access some of them by selecting the "Login without an account" option on the Login page.

Current offerings on the website include:

  1. A predictions page to get buy and sell signals on various cryptocurrency pairs.
  2. A social app section where users can:
    • stay in touch with other users on the platform.
    • post about topics relating to cryptocurrencies.
    • follow other users to receive updates on their posts, and
    • like and comment on posts.

The predictions engine is being built using Python and served using Flask. Flask-socketIO and socket.io are being used to set up a WebSocket connection which enables real-time communication between the server and the client app. Firebase services such as authentication, firestore, cloud messaging(for push notifications) and analytics are also being used.

Test Project - React 1

Test Project - React 1

React, Typescript, Redux, RxJs, MaterialUI

A test project I was required to complete in 7days as part of an interview process. It served to test my React (Front End) skills.

Test Project - Angular 1

Test Project - Angular 1

Angular, Typescript, RxJS, Angular Material UI, NGRX, Javascript, JSON-Server, FakerJS

A test project I was required to complete in 3days as part of an interview process. It served to test my Angular (Front End) skills.

Ecommerce Practice

Ecommerce Practice

JavaScript - React, CSS - Bootstrap, Webpack

Built this practice website as a test practice to learning the React framework, It's still a work in progress as some features are yet to be added and some modifications made to the design. You can check more about this project on my github repo.



Python, OpenCV, PyQt, Scikit-Learn, Imutils, Pre-trained Machine/Deep Learning Models

This is a class attendance management system based on face recognition technology. It uses pre-trained opencv caffe models to detect and capture the faces of students which are then saved as images. These images are used to train a support vector machine(SVM) model which is subsequently used, while taking class attendance, to recognize the faces of students present. Upon recognition of a student, the system updates the attendance records accordingly.

The project has been published to Pypi and can be accessed here. It also features an executable which can be used to run the project by a simple click, this saves you from the stress of having to setup the project before using it. However, please note that the executable may only work on *NIX operating systems.

Checkout the repository to explore more features of the project.

Unique Help Website

Unique Help Website

TypeScript - Angular2, CSS - Tailwindcss, Google Analytics, Postman API, RxJS, Figma

I built the front end of the website for Unique Help Global Concept Limited, an investment company. These included all users' and administrators' pages and their functionalities. The website is currently unavailable, but proof of completed work can be provided upon request.

Music Downloader

Music Downloader


Music Downloader is a music scrapper that scraps off new songs of your favourite musicians from websites as soon as the song drops on their platform.

Weather App

Weather App

HTML, CSS, JS, Firebase

A PWA project I worked on while in the Google Africa Developer Scholarship 2020 (GADS2020) Program. It serves to return weather data in real time.

Hello 👋

HEADS UP❕The blog section is still in development; no articles yet 😊
